
Volunteer opportunities are available for pre, during and post event activities. Please drop a note to the representatives below with your area of interest (Sponsorship, Content or Marketing), your contact details and an estimate of time you can commit. We will get in touch with you depending on current and future requirements.

Sponsorship team

We are currently looking for sponsors to support the TiE annual event and as such need driven volunteers to strengthen our team. To volunteer for the sponsorship team, please contact:

  • Jonathan

  • Nilesh

Content Team

The content team is responsible for putting together panels and reaching out to speakers for the TiE conference. The team is focused on different areas of the conference i.e. private equity, digital media, cleantech, financial services & social media. If you wish to contribute to this team, please contact :

  • Rakshit

Marketing Team

The marketing team is responsible for outreach, working with press and strategic partners to create awareness, online marketing as well as putting together campaigns to promote the conference. To be a part of this team, please contact:

  • Milan

Want to help in a different capacity or role?

If you'd like to offer your help in another capacity, or you are uncertain how specifically to contribute but would like to help out then please contact:

  • Sacha

  • Gautam

  • Bipin