Key Note Speakers

    Opening Keynote

    Sanjiv Das
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    CitiMortgage, Inc.

    Sanjiv Das better photo Sanjiv Das is president and chief executive officer of CitiMortgage. After an eight year tenure with Citi in the 1990’s, Mr. Das returned to Citi in July 2008 in this role as head of CitiMortgage. 

    Prior to rejoining Citi, Mr. Das was a managing director in Morgan Stanley’s Institutional Securities Group where he built a best in class organization that delivered proprietary content based on fundamental analytics across equity research, trading and investment banking. In his first tenure at Citi, his roles included head of Citi’s Global Mortgage Product Group and managing director of Marketing and Product Development for CitiMortgage. He was also general manager of Citibank’s Consumer Mortgage Group in Australia and spent time in Citi’s Cards operation. Additional experience includes time at Bank One (First USA) as executive vice president in the Mortgage and Home Equity division. 

    Mr. Das holds a BS in Mathematics from the University of Delhi and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from the Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad.

    Fred Wilson
    Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures &
    Founder, Flatiron Partners

    Fred Wilson better  Fred Wilson has been a venture capitalist since 1987. He has a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and an MBA from The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Fred is married with three kids and lives in New York City.

    David P. Goldman
    Former head of fixed income research, Bank of America

    David Goldman David P. Goldman is Senior Editor of the American monthly First Things. Previously he directed research departments at major financial institutions, including global fixed- income research at Bank of America (2002-2005) and credit strategy at Credit Suisse (1998-2002), where he was elected to Institutional Investor magazine's All-America Fixed Income Research Team. Until 2008 he was the strategist for a credit hedge fund, Asteri Capital. From 1994 to 2001 he was a columnist for Forbes magazine.

    Now a writer and television commentator, he continues to follow financial markets on his “Inner Workings” blog (a Seeking Alpha Top 100 site), and regular appearances on CNBC’s The Kudlow Report and other venues. He is a regular contributor to Asia Times Online, where his “Spengler” essays have appeared since 2000, and to the monthly journal of religion and public life First Things. His monthly essays for First Things touch a wide range of subjects, including Jewish theology, economics, literature, mathematics and foreign policy.

       Prior to his career in the financial industry he was a consulting economist, working in the private as well as the public sector for Norman A. Bailey, former Director of Plans at the National Security Council during the Reagan Administration. He is interviewed regularly on financial news programs, and has spoken before major economic venues including the Annual Meeting of the World Bank. His chapter on market failure in the Bloomberg Book of Master Market Economists (2006) is a required study text for the Certified Financial Analyst examination.

    Mr. Goldman pursued parallel careers in economics and music theory, studying the former at London School of Economics and the latter at City University of New York. He taught music theory at the Mannes College of Music where he currently serves on the Board of Governors. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the America-Israel Cultural Foundation. His writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, The Public Interest as well as peer-reviewed academic journals.He lives in his home city of New York.

    Dwight Merriman
    CEO and Co-Founder 10gen, (Co-Founder, DoubleClick)

    Dwight Merriman Dwight is CEO and Co-Founder of 10gen, and one of the core MongoDB kernel committers. In 1995, Dwight co-founded DoubleClick and served as its CTO for ten years. Dwight was the architect of the DoubleClick ad serving infrastructure, DART, which serves tens of billions of ads per day. Dwight is co-founder, Chairman, and the original architect of Panther Express (now part of CDNetworks), a content distribution network (CDN) technology which serves hundreds of thousands of objects per second. He is also a board member of the web photo/video sharing company Phanfare. Dwight received a B.S. in Systems Analysis/Computer Science from Miami University of Ohio.